Saturday 2 May 2009

I call your name!

This has to be one of the nicest love songs ever. I wish someone would write something like this bout me....
its so heart felt.

Wednesday 29 April 2009


I wrote this and took the photos!

Sunday 26 April 2009

You Know You Love Me

I really had to get this necklace


Who am I? That's one secret I'll never tell.

You know you love me


Gossip Girl

Monday 20 April 2009

This is you

I've only ever watched the opening scene of this film. I love it. I guess I've never wanted to watch the rest because I'm satisfied with the first minute and a half. i wonder if the rest of the film is as good. I think its about a woman who finds out she is dying and makes a list of things she wants to do before she dies. I'm not sure though.

Girls dancing in films

I'm trying to think of more scenes where girls dance in films. I'm rubbish at thinking of things when i want to think of them. here are two Godard ones. I will think of more soon I think.

The Unwitting Philosopher

Can we think without words to describe the thoughts?

This is one of my favourite scenes from a film. Godard is God. and Anna Karina is my fashion Icon.

Saturday 11 April 2009

Grace Kelsey

I've never really been into models. Its not that I've not been 'into them' or not thought they are beautiful, but I've never just thought wow, that person is so breath taking and unique looking. But then, through my current project runway season 2 obsession, I came across Grace Kelsey. They never focus on the models in that show but I googled her and she is amazing. stunning. If I was a designer or photographer she would be my muse. I like her nose and how her shoulders look like they have shoulder pads built in.




